# Class 13. Appendix to Content Hacking ## Student Benefits * Github student pack. https://education.github.com/pack ## Technical Assets ### Serving Web Content * Github pages (static/free) * Digital Ocean * Hetzner - https://www.hetzner.com/ * Azure (with uni credit) * Heroku (free tier) Also: * https://edu.google.com/programs/benefits/students/?modal_active=none ### Domain Names * Freenom (free .ml .ga .tk .. domain) * Otherwise Namecheap ### Analytics * Google Analytics ### Newsletter * Mailchimp (Has also landing pages) https://mailchimp.com/ ### Other * Github Comments for commenting ## Branding Assets ### Logo - Use logo generators - The Noun Project: https://thenounproject.com/ ### Brand Name - ? https://www.namestation.com/ ### Photos - Unsplash https://unsplash.com/ - Pexels. https://www.pexels.com/ ### Colors - Coolors. https://coolors.co/ ### Fonts - Google Fonts. https://fonts.google.com/ ### Free HTML5 templates - Creative Tim. https://www.creative-tim.com/templates/free - .. ?onion?