ITI0011:praktikum 9 T8

Allikas: Kursused
Redaktsioon seisuga 27. oktoober 2014, kell 14:16 kasutajalt Ago (arutelu | kaastöö)
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Tagasi ITI0011 lehele.


Praktikum: 28.10.2014 kell 8:00



Create an application which allows the user to draw rectangles. There are several options how to achieve this:

  • using mouse dragging: the starting point is fixed when the dragging starts (mouse press), the opposite corner moves along while dragging. if the dragging ends, the rectangle is fixed.
  • using clicking: when clicking first time, one point is fixed, when clicking another time, the opposite corner is fixed (and rectangle is drawn).
  • some other way


  • more than one rectangle can be drawn