
Allikas: Kursused
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Use last nuber from your student

Infected maccine 1 OOD

Infected maccine 2 EVEN

0 = EVEN

VirtualBox 4.3.0 or better !

Clean Reference pc

Infected 1 has and file

26dec81c4f17350ee25e733442119b7fd1d75d349f1e33fe6a48894dddface81 win7infectedone.ova

Infected 2 hases and files

6c4e9153882d2b9729b53897034bd75efc6797015b452ead0bd0605c48b84797 Test.7z.001

4c3e16080f56b2328803880d8a3865561ba3565201eee76e2027526950d68a85 Test.7z.002

e5e466427edd149378891dbbfd2ca3ed1956213e2bc8e8ea5eb7a017205831d5 Test.7z.003

Clean image

dbdd11f84522f6b0959ab0b3b58e7ae7bc0232aa46515fcfe522877781ef5aeb win7clean.ova


1)Find out which viruses are present on the virtual image.

2)In that process try out diferent aplications !

2)Find how to remove the viruses without reinstalling the OS

4)Document your process and solution

5) Propouse solution that that scales to multiple pc-s